What We Offer
As part of our service, we offer
Personal Care

We will support you to shower, bathe, dress and maintain good hygiene. We will always respect your dignity and privacy and you will always have the choice of carer to support you. You decide how and when your needs are met.
Community Support

We will support you in accessing your community as you wish. We can support you when you go to Deaf Club, Bingo, events in the community, shopping, outings to different places, tours, pretty much anything you want to do we will be there to support you.
In House Support

We will support you in your home to be able to live as you wish. We can support you with food preparation and cooking; we can support you with cleaning and tidying although we cannot do all of these things for you. When living in your home you will need to receive and send correspondence such as bills and we can support you to understand the bills and reply to any necessary correspondence including support with filling out applications and writing letters or making phone calls.
Appointments / Visits

Attending appointments can be overwhelming especially when having to use an interpreter. We will support you in attending these appointments and, where necessary, act in a similar capacity as a relay interpreter ensuring you understand the interpreter if they have not been able to make the necessary adjustment. We will also try to help you understand any confusing information or decisions by spending time with you after the appointment going through what was discussed.